
Notice regarding OS12 (TargetSDK 31) at One store Developer Center
Nov 10, 2021 (UTC+09:00) View 7748
Hello, this is the ONE store Developer Center.

We would like to inform you about the distribution of Android 12.

When API 31 (android 12) in an Android 12 device is set as Target SDK, exported must be explicitly listed in the component, such as Activity using the intent-filter.

1. Please declare <intent-filter> in </ activity>, </ service>, <receiver>, <alias activity> androidmanifest.xml

Please declare the android:exported query as true or false within the object.
(<receiver> : Although, it is declared as </receiver> in the Manifest, it means broadcast receiver in the APK code.)


2. In-App SDK

We have declared Pending intent mutability to respond to Android 12 within the IAP SDK.
Thus, when setting API 31(Android 12) in Android 12 device to Target SDK, please update In-app SDK to 19.00.02

Download updated Inapp SDK 

Thank you,
ONE store Developer Center